Select a service Wybierz usługę
Would you like to include the original, full extract from the KRS with your order?
An amount of 103 net will be added to the service price.
Would you like to include the eReport on the company, containing, among others, capital-personal connections, analyses, and EU grants with your order?
Would you like to include photos of the company's files with your order? We photograph every page, document, note—everything. It's complete documentation and knowledge about the entity.
Would you like to include a payment credibility report from the Economic Information Bureau (BIG) with your order?
Select which BIG you want the report from
W Polsce istnieje 5 Biur Informacji Gospodarczej (BIG), aby mieć wiarygodny obraz sytuacji finansowej, powinieneś/aś wybrać raport ze wszystkich BIGów. To że podmiot nie jest wpisany np. do KRD nie oznacza że nie figuruje np. w Infomonitor i odwrotnie.
Rozpatrz również inne opcje dodatkowe, które znacząco podwyższają wiedzę o wiarygodności finansowej.
Czy do zamówienia dołączyć raport wiarygodności płatniczej podmiotu z BIG Infomonitor ?
doliczona zostanie kwota 90 netto do ceny usługi.
Czy do zamówienia dołączyć raport wiarygodności płatniczej podmiotu z Krajowego Biura Informacji Gospodarczej KBIG S.A. ?
doliczona zostanie kwota 90 netto do ceny usługi.
Czy do zamówienia dołączyć raport wiarygodności płatniczej podmiotu z Krajowego Rejestru Długów - BIG KRD S.A. ?
doliczona zostanie kwota 90 netto do ceny usługi.
Czy do zamówienia dołączyć raport wiarygodności płatniczej podmiotu z Biura Informacji Gospodarczej ERIF S.A. ?
doliczona zostanie kwota 90 netto do ceny usługi.
Would you like to include information on who exercises direct or indirect control over the company (beneficial owner) with your order?
Would you like to include information from the Register of Insolvent Debtors with your order?
An amount of 58 net will be added to the service price
Should we check if this person is listed in the Register of Debtors
* Jest to informacja z rejestru / sprawdzenie, nie dokument urzędowy An amount of 53 net will be added to the service price.
Would you like to include a document confirming the assignment of the NIP number with your order?
An amount of net will be added to the service price.
Should we check if this company is listed in the Register of Court Mortgages
An amount of 63 net will be added to the service price.
Would you like to include photos of the complete financial statements with your order?
Should we check if this company is listed in the debt exchange databases (debt exchanges) ?
An amount of 90 net will be added to the service price.
Should we search for grants that this company may have received?
An amount of 35 net will be added to the service price.
Should we check this company against the list of warnings from the Financial Supervision Authority (KNF)?
An amount of 40 net will be added to the service price.
Should we check the company's physical address through a site visit ?
Site visit. We verify whether the company is actually located at the specified address. The information is presented in a clear report along with photographic documentation. We will go to the company's address.
**An amount of 3650 net will be added to the service price.
podaj ilość sztuk
NOTE: Price calculation:
Now, as a title for the translation, you are paying an advance payment. The final price for the translation, which will be provided after the documents are translated, will be the result of the following calculation
[(liczba stron x
zł (1 strona)) x 1.23VAT] x quantity + shipping cost.
Now, an advance payment of (choose language) net is required for the translation (this amount corresponds to 9 pages of translation). Unfortunately, we cannot predict how many pages the document will have after translation before obtaining it, which is why an advance payment is collected. You will be informed by email about any additional payment for a larger number of pages of translation than what is covered by the above advance.
NOTE! The fact that the source document has, for example, 9 pages does not mean that the translated document will also have 9 pages. Remember, 1 page of translation is 1100 characters.
An advance payment amount of (choose language) net will be added to the service price
I accept the above terms of settlement related to the translation. The translation only concerns the main document
Extract from KRS + apostille | legalization - additional options are not translated.
If you wish to translate additional options, please send us an
email with the subject "translation" after placing this order
Verification of the Polish business partner
*Uwaga!!! - Każda usługa dodatkowa zmienia czas realizacji zlecenia. Szczegóły w regulaminie
**Dotyczy tylko firm / osób wpisanych do KRS
Rodzaj wysyłkiJak chcesz otrzymać zamówiony dokument / informację ?
List polecony priorytet (Poczta) - dokument oryginalny zawiera pieczątkę i podpis - forma papierowa *
Kurier - dokument oryginalny zawiera pieczątkę i podpis - forma papierowa*
e-mail (dokument pdf) - skan oryginału KRS - dokument zawiera pieczątkę i podpis
e-mail + list - (dokument pdf.) skan oryginału oraz list
polecony priorytet - dokument zawiera pieczątkę i podpis
e-mail + kurier - (dokument pdf.) skan oryginału oraz kurier - dokument zawiera pieczątkę i podpis